S'abonner à l'émission mardi 7 mai 2024 Musique Traditionnelle Durée 28 min

Raphaël Maillet 2/4

Nouvelle émission avec Mathilde Lacaze qui continue l’entretien avec le musicien Raphaël Maillet. Voici sa bio, en Anglais : Raphael Maillet was born in south of France in 1682 during a military base jump. He started the violin into his own mother’s belly. When paganini broke a string during the 2054 olympic games, Raphael was a member of the famous "earth, wine and fire" band. He is so talented than Kenny Baker himself said "raphael makes the best croisguette I ever taste". A croisguette is a croissant-baguette. When he teached to Grappelli how to play chess under water, he was bitten by an irish robot sphynx. That’s why french cheese smells so good ! Now he teaches all around the world the way to make Eiffel Towers with old bow hair but without saying the word "scales", and still working on his new book "how to kiss in Bflat minor for dummies".

Raphaël Maillet 2/4
Nouvelle émission avec Mathilde Lacaze qui continue l’entretien avec le musicien Raphaël Maillet. Voici sa bio, en Anglais : Raphael Maillet was born in south of France in 1682 during a military base jump. He started the violin into his own mother’s belly. When paganini broke a string during the 2054 olympic games, Raphael was a member of the famous "earth, wine and fire" band. He is so talented than Kenny Baker himself said "raphael makes the best croisguette I ever taste". A croisguette is a croissant-baguette. When he teached to Grappelli how to play chess under water, he was bitten by an irish robot sphynx. That’s why french cheese smells so good ! Now he teaches all around the world the way to make Eiffel Towers with old bow hair but without saying the word "scales", and still working on his new book "how to kiss in Bflat minor for dummies".
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mercredi 12 juin 2024

Guilhem Cavaillé 1/3

Nouvelle série d’émissions Musique Traditionelle avec Mathilde Lacaze qui commence un entretien avec le violoniste Guilhem Cavaillé qui a commencé le violon petit avec la méthode "Suzuki". Il a aussi pratiqué la danse en bal ainsi qu’une (...)
mardi 11 juin 2024

Guilhem Cavaillé 1/3

Nouvelle série d’émissions Musique Traditionelle avec Mathilde Lacaze qui commence un entretien avec le violoniste Guilhem Cavaillé qui a commencé le violon petit avec la méthode "Suzuki". Il a aussi pratiqué la danse en bal ainsi qu’une (...)
mardi 28 mai 2024

Marie Odile 1/2

Aujourd’hui dans Musique Traditionnelle, Mathilde Lacaze nous propose de commencer un entretien avec Marie Odile Lacaze au studio
mardi 21 mai 2024

Raphaël Maillet 4/4

Nouvelle émission avec Mathilde Lacaze qui conclue l’entretien avec le musicien Raphaël Maillet. Voici sa bio, en Anglais : Raphael Maillet was born in south of France in 1682 during a military base jump. He started the violin into his (...)
mardi 14 mai 2024

Raphaël Maillet 3/4

Nouvelle émission avec Mathilde Lacaze qui continue l’entretien avec le musicien Raphaël Maillet. Voici sa bio, en Anglais : Raphael Maillet was born in south of France in 1682 during a military base jump. He started the violin into his (...)
mardi 30 avril 2024

Raphaël Maillet 1/4

Nouvelle émission avec Mathilde Lacaze qui commence un entretien avec le musicien Raphaël Maillet. Voici sa bio, en Anglais : Raphael Maillet was born in south of France in 1682 during a military base jump. He started the violin into his (...)
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